12.3 Installing license details
When you receive your updated license file, you must import the information it contains to MyID to make the licenses available.
From the Configuration category, select the Licensing workflow. Your current license status is displayed.
You can also launch this workflow from the Configuration Settings section of the More category in the MyID Operator Client. See the Using Configuration Settings workflows section in the MyID Operator Client guide for details.
- Click Install.
Copy and paste the contents of the license file into the License text area.
- Click Browse and locate the file on your file system. The contents of the file are displayed in the License text area.
- Check that your company name, location and number of licenses are correct. If they are not, do not continue.
- The Warning Limit is set to 90% of the total number of licenses. Change this if appropriate.
- Enter the Warning Email Address if it is required and not already displayed. You can change it if necessary.
- Click Install.
Note: The message about your license expiry on the MyID Desktop dashboard will disappear after you log out and log back in again.